Denise Allen

The first day I purchased an embroidery kit at a Brooklyn, N.Y. Woolsworth Department Store, I took it home that night and embroidered the pictures of Abraham Lincoln, The Liberty Bell; The Emancipation Proclanation and a Quill Pen. I was completely hooked. I instinctively knew that at long last I had found my calling. It was a call to do needlework art. Several years after developing my skills and mastering most of the embroidery stitches, I then taught myself how to draw so that I could eventually market my own embroidery kits using my own drawings. That was over 30 years ago. My passion for needlework today encompass almost every aspect of needlework art and design; including research and study of the origin of needlework. Some of my research discovery shows that the origin of needlework begins in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 3, v,21 and also the Book of Exodus, Chapter 35: VV.30-35. These 2 books speak of the tribes of Judah and Dan who were gifted in all manner of cunning work; carving of wood; works in gold, silver, brass, weaving and embroidery.
