
William Wright

American photographer William Wright visited the Sultanate of Oman from January 10 through 20, 2004 in cooperation with ART in Embassies. His visit involved hands-on photography training sessions with the Society for Fine Arts, lectures to students, administrators and the public at Sultan Qaboos University. Wright’s trip to the university also involved meetings with the […]

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Josette Urso

Josette Urso, American watercolor painter, was the invited guest of ART in Embassies for the period November 15 through 19, 2004. The artist held three days of painting classes with a group of students from Reyum Art School in Phnom Penh that involved two in-class sessions and one trip where she encouraged the students to […]

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Tjelda Vander Meijen

Artist Tjelda vander Meijden traveled to Reykjavik, Iceland for Art in Embassies in November, 2004 from the 15th through the 18th. Her visit was punctuated with lectures about her meditations on the veil, or burqa, as well as demonstrations of her artistic techniques. Tjelda vander Meijden’s lecture on the veil was attended by many students […]

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Merryll Saylan

Merryll Saylan, an American wood turner, journeyed to Fiji at the request of ART in Embassies from February 23 through 27, 2004. He visit comprised of presentations and demonstrations to a wide variety of Fijan people. Her first day began with a presentation to the public at the Fiji Museum which included a slide presentation […]

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Joyce Kozloff

Joyce Kozloff visited Istanbul, Turkey from June 7th through the 11th, 2003. Throughout this time she had the experience of meeting with many Turkish artists and activists, exchanging ideas and promoting the Art in Embassies program.

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Laurie Wohl

Fiber artist Laurie Wohl traveled to Johannesburg and Pretoria, South Africa for a week of cultural programming from September 12 through 21, 2003. Her schedule was full and included visits to many local artist cooperatives, such as Tswaranagang Community Project. Wohl’s visit also comprised of meetings and hands-on workshops with students and teachers at Pretoria […]

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Therman Statom

Therman Statom visited Maputo, Mozambique from June 17 through July 2, 2003. His first engagements were children’s workshops on June 18. For the remainder of his visit he hosted workshops for visual arts students and local professional artists, and met with local artists. In Mozambican tradition, he participated in painting a public mural. The artist’s […]

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Emily Eveleth

Artists Emily Eveleth and Carter Potter, during the two hectic days of June 16th and 17th, 2007, met with Danish curators, gallery owners and other professionals in the arts. They were also able to engage in discussions and comparisons of American and Danish art initiatives during a luncheon and discussion at the Royal Danish Academy […]

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Carter Potter

Artists Emily Eveleth and Carter Potter, during the two hectic days of June 16th and 17th, 2007, met with Danish curators, gallery owners and other professionals in the arts. They were also able to engage in discussions and comparisons of American and Danish art initiatives during a luncheon and discussion at the Royal Danish Academy […]

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Johnny Johnson

Johnny Johnson visited Cotonou, Benin in October, 2002. On October 2, his visit was kicked off by an exhibit of his work at the Ambassador’s residence in Cotonou, Benin in which over two hundred people attended, including local artists. Many of these artists subsequently attended his master workshops that were held in the following days […]

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Karen Gunderson

During her week-long visit to Lome, Togo from September 22 through 28, 2002, Karen Gunderson engaged the Togolese community in many diverse ways. She hosted and participated in discussions with local artists, visited their studios,and held a workshop on painting techniques for them. She spoke to communities comparing American classical and contemporary art and the […]

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Karen Koblitz

Ceramic artist Karen Koblitz served as a visiting artist to Moscow, Russia from September 28 through October 5, 2002 for ART in Embassies. On one occasion, she lectured at the Stroganov Art School to a large group of students about contemporary American ceramic artists. Throughout the rest of her visit, she met with professional Russian […]

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Eve Andree Laramee

Eve Andree Laramee visited Ottawa and Montreal, Canada from October 10 through 12, 2002 on behalf of ART in Embassies. Her visit to Ottawa was punctuated by a tour of Ottawa’s National Gallery and a dinner held by the Ambassador in which visitors discussed the artist’s work and also the broader topic of the appreciation […]

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Valentina Dubasky

New York based artist Valentina Dubasky was chosen to act as an art ambassador for the September 2002 ART in Embassies program in Riga, Latvia and Talinn, Estonia. She presented her works through lectures accompanied by slides to four different groups at the Art Academy of Latvia and the Estonian Art Academy. Her unique style, […]

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Michelle Torrez

American artist Michelle Torrez’s visit to Sofia, Bulgaria complemented the Embassy’s opening of an American Impressionism exhibit in which the artist’s paintings were featured. She spent February 15 through 28, 2003 in Bulgaria. During this time, she met and spoke with various groups at high schools and universities about her experiences as an artist in […]

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