Anne Marie Nafziger

Nafziger received her Bachelor of Arts degree in liberal arts in 1994 from Goshen College, Indiana. Based in Portland, Oregon, from 1995 through 2003 she exhibited her work at numerous Portland venues. In 1998 she began spending periods of time in far west Texas, drawn to a sense of space and time specific to the area. Nafziger currently lives and works in Marfa, Texas.

Ann Marie Nafziger writes in her artist’s statement: “ I am compelled by visual situations observed under everyday circumstances. A motion blur seen through a car window, shadow patterns on man-made surfaces, or the temporary blinding effect that occurs when eyes adjust to a sudden change in light. In found, two-dimensional abstract patterns; cracks in concrete; eroded, decaying building facades; telephone poles covered in an accumulation of rock show posters. I also use pattern found in images of a scientific documentary, architectural plans, weather maps, stop-motion photography, microscopic enlargements and aerial views. I collect images from these visual experiences and use them in a new set of circumstances in my work.”
