Barbara Robertson

My work explores ideas related to space, mapping, motion, and light, inspired by current scientific inquiry in the fields of physics, astronomy and biology.

For my solo exhibition at Davidson Galleries in 2010, I created the “Gray Series,” a group of fourteen two-dimensional, mixed media works on paper that explore ideas related to mapping and astronomy. Additionally, I used After Effects to create four animations, two of which were projected onto still images, challenging the boundaries between still and time based media. These moving elements constantly interact with the still images to form continuously changing combinations of imagery. Two completely animated works were displayed in the gallery on separate screens. From the foundation of this work I was able to use my newly acquired technical skills to explore challenges relative to scale, real time and movement.

I continue to explore new print and digital related media. My work is currently focused on expanding my imagery into dynamic combinations of still and moving images. Sound has become a very important aspect of work in animation. I am currently working with a sound designer to create more ambitious pieces that explore and fully integrate the possibilities of sound with time and movement. . Through February 2012, I am showing a video installation, “Gray Map,” which consists of a projected animation, a sound score and sculptural elements in the form of weather balloons at “s project space” in Seattle. (

I am passionate about digital media as a tool for visual artists. The dialog between my drawing, painting, print work and digital media has been a rich source of inspiration. The moving images give me new ideas for the static ones, simultaneously recharging my imagination to develop the static images. I am committed to continuing the current conversation between traditional and digital media and eager to discover how animation will continue to influence my vision. My long-term goal is to work with an architect and a dancer to produce an interactive performance piece in an alternative venue.
