Bunny Connell

Bunny Connell, Wyoming sculptor, looks almost exclusively to the animal world for her inspiration. Living on the family horse and cattle ranch in the foothills of the Big Horn Mountains, she is surrounded by her subject matter, both wild and domestic. This artist has fused her background in the Arts with the life she leads to produce three-dimensional art at its finest.

Her years of independent study in many different art disciplines have been accompanied by an on-going devotion to research in the animal field. Bunny states that, “Through my bronzes I hope to share the wonder and enthusiasm I feel for the animal world. I am most interested in animals reacting to one another or to their environment. Be it the swift motion or casual grace of an animal, I judge the success of a piece by watching the viewer’s reaction.”

Bunny is a member of The Society of Animal Artists and of the American Academy of Equine Artists. Her work is represented by a number of galleries and is in private collections throughout the United States, Canada, England and Kenya.
