Cheryl Kline

Cheryl Kline is a classically trained painter who found her voice by painting remarkable skyscapes and cloudscapes. It reflect her love for the untamed, operatic beauty of the heavens, whose gradual yet grand changes reveal themselves to her sensibility. Kline follows an esthetic of deliberate beauty, but her paintings are more than fine praise for the esthetics of nature and light–they become, over time, magnificent statements of a holistic nature, constructions filled with visual recognition of the innate drama of the sky. The sky is a difficult thing to approach after the weight of so much art history–one thinks of the cloudscapes of Turner as an example of exquisite awareness of the visual possibilities offered by an unfettered treatment of the heavens. Kline shares Turner’s recognition that the beauty of the sky is linked to something untamable, even when she is reporting on a relatively calm combination of forms and hues.

Image courtesy of Allan Birnbach
