Jeffrey Skarvan

“I continuously seek inspiration from the energy and environment around me, and strive to
transform this into my Art as a compelling expression of human and natural interactions.”
– Jeffrey Skarvan

Like every kid who ever picked up a crayon, Jeffrey Skarvan began his artistic expression at a very young age. He credits his early childhood transition from interest to passion, primarily to his mother, who inspired him as an accomplished painter, muralist, photographer and graphic designer in her own right.

Skarvan has received formal training and produced work in a range of media, which has
provided him a uniquely multifaceted technical understanding of craft and composition.

He received his Bachelor of Science in Fine Art and Art History, and a Minor in English from the University of Wisconsin, Madison with an emphasis in Figurative Oil Painting, and extensive coursework in Life Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Ceramics, Printmaking, Design, Sciences, Literature, History and Foreign Language (Italian). This included study through Drake University in Florence, Italy where he focused on Art History and studio courses in Oil Painting, Drawing, Metal Working, and Serigraphy.

Skarvan’s art has been in various galleries, public art, corporate and private collections.
