Jeri Brainard

Jeri Brainard is a working artist and maintains her studio in Lincoln Nebraska.
Brainard has exhibited her art in regional, national and international shows, and has won numerous awards for her achievements.
Her interest in art is more about color, line, and form than subject.
In addition to working in her studio, twice a year Jeri facilitates at “F Street Center” for “Artist on the Edge”. A program she loves.
Brainard’s work can be found in commercial establishments and private collections in the U. S. and Czech Republic.
Recently, Brainard is part of “Nebraska by Heart” program, celebrating Sesquicentennial Nebraska Statehood. Her sculpture is located between 16 – 17 “R” Street.

Artist Statement
“My name is Jeri Brainard. I have lived most of my life in Lincoln Nebraska, but i was born in Oaklad California on September 14.

While doing my artwork and going to school I owned my own business and raised three children, all grown now, with business’s and masters degrees.

I remember, at the age of three looking up at the sky and seeing the most beautiful blue color and thought, that color could not be reproduced here on earth. I remember where I stood and the time of day. It affected me deeply.

My favorite gift at Christmas was box of eight crayon’s I realized early in my life there was that need to create.

I have worked in all mediums, but now I work mostly with acrylic’s on cavas and paper.

I have entered a large number of competitions locally, national, and international shows and have many awards.

I love reading and learning and have studies under several instructors including Dong Kingman at St. Mary’s College.

My artwork is represented in public, private, and corporate institutions.

One of my favorite jobs was working with “Artist on the Edge” a mentally handicapped program as a faciliatator for 19 years so far.

I try to present my work in a manner that allows freedom of expression in a nunlimited rand of interpretation.

My work evolves throughout the painting process using my imagination and movement of paint. Capturing dominant forms or distinctive color, line and emotions in an abstracted or realistic composition.

I believe art is telling stories across generations and feeding the spirit.”
