Laura Battle

“My work is informed by diagrams of the universe, mathematical configurations, codes and symbols, maps and charts of all kinds, forces in nature like the ebb and flow of water or the waxing and waning of the moon.”

Laura Battle is a painter, visual artist, curator, and educator. The starting point for all of her work is the process of geometrically dividing a rectangle. It offers a broad conceptual space that holds her thoughts and triggers her imagination. She pulls out images in a similar manner to someone looking at clouds. She explores connections between the art, architecture, and landscape of different cultures that transcend time and place.

Battle studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, and the Yale School of Art, New Haven, Connecticut, and has been teaching at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, since 1987. Her work is featured in numerous collections, including the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., and the Rhode Island School of Design Museum.
