Mark Dassoulas

Born October 26th, 1955 in Washington, D.C. He was raised with three brothers in the home of his father John, a physicist and project engineer, and Adelle, a homemaker and piano teacher.

Though always creative, Dassoulas had not painted with serious intent before an enlightened moment occurring in class at the university of Maryland. Attending a general survey course in Art History, Dassoulas was introduced to the work of Vermeer by Dr. Arthur Wheelock. Jr. The sensitive enthusiasm of Wheelock, unleashed a passion in the artist which continues to burn, twenty-five years and hundreds of painting later.

The objectives of Mark Dassoulas’ art have always been larger than what first meets the eye. A still life, a landscape, or an abstraction, may seduce those who view by the beauty and depth of their surface. But underlying each image is the very sensitivity Dassoulas had encountered in class. A standard had been set, and each work of art would rise to, or succeed its requirements.

The mind of a physicist and the heart of a musician, joined in the development of an artist capable of expressing a broad range of concept. Glancing through the chronological evolution of work, a consummate craftsmanship has delivered a subtle yet powerful evocation of imagery.

A working artist since attaining a degree in Art History in 1977, Mark Dassoulas has pursed his passion with little regard for career. never the conformist, he has and will always commit to a unique and personal vision, manifest in works created to inspire and expand the capacity of heart and mind alike.
