Richard Garriott-Stejskal

Richard Garriott-Stejskal currently lives in Albuquerque, NM. He was born in Anacortes, Wash. in 1944. He has a BFA in sculpture from the University on Nebraska at Omaha and MA in sculpture from the University of New Mexico.

He worked as a Creative Arts Therapist at the local Veterans Medical Center. In 1995 he took early retirement. He then worked part time for two years as a Training Specialist and Gallery Director for Very Special Arts New Mexico. In 1997 he left the job market in order to concentrate more fully on his artwork.

Garriott-Stejskal has a long history with clay. “No matter what I do I always come back to clay.” His work has been seen in numerous juried and invitational shows and in galleries. Currently he is exhibiting in New Hope, PA, Napa Valley and Columbus, Ohio. His work is in numerous private collections and several museums including the Mint Museum, the Longview Museum of Fine Arts and the Arizona State University Museum of Fine Arts. He was the first sculptor to have a one person exhibition at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

His work has been featured in Ceramics Monthly (Feb. 2002) and on the web site for both Skutt kilns and Minnesota Clay. He was selected to appear in Skutt Kilns ads for several months in 2003. Garriott-Stejskal’s writing has appeared in Ceramics Monthly, Kerameiki Techni, ABQ Arts magazine, La Cocinita, Santa Fe Reporter and the Albuquerque Tribune.

