Teuta Pula

Teuta Pula, a freelance painter, holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in painting and graphic design from the University of Prishtina, Kosova. She started her Master’s degree program in painting at the University of Prishtina, but was dinterrupted due to war circumstances. Since 1999 she has worked and lived in New York with her family. Pula has been an active participant in collective and individual exhibitions. In her most recent private exhibition in Long Island City, Queens, New York in 2004, she made this statement about the influences on her art: “As a child I used to escape to a wonderland of painting and drawing, creating my heroes and dreams. For me painting has always been a pure expression of my feelings and at the same time a play with figures and colors in a
free space. In my last years of living in Kosova, I was deeply troubled by [the] madness and inhumanity of war. My art turned into a silent (but loud colors) opposition based on freedom of speech and humanity. In my paintings I tried to reveal a moment of people’s feelings, desperation and pain while they were alone and unheard. Displaced objects as metaphors, such as the displaced moon, stars, and smashed geometrical elements evoke the turmoil of the mind. The very intensive lines above the story made out of colors represent the power to control my own life stating that I am going to live my dream.”

