
Cities Summit of the Americas

Art in Embassies artists Steven Frost and Tony Abeyta engaged with subnational leaders of the Americas doing art demonstration projects and participated in programming produced by the National Endowment of the Arts on strategies for building communities through art and culture. Art in Embassies Director Megan Beyer and curator Tiffany Williams were interviewed by NEA Cultural Advisor Carla Canales about the 60th anniversary Democracy Collection and examples of Art in Embassies exhibitions in Latin America. The Office of Art in Embassies posted during the events on its @artinembassies social media platforms with the hashtags #democracyis #citiessummit

Under the theme “Global Challenges, Local Solutions,” the Cities Summit of the Americas joined government leaders from cities, states, and other municipalities from across the Americas with a diverse and inclusive group of stakeholders. These included representatives of civil society, academia, youth, arts and culture, and Indigenous and previously underrepresented groups. Participants focused on building partnerships and advancing regional cooperation in a wide variety of subject areas, from migration to climate change.

Democracy and Art
Steven Frost - Guest

A dialogue on design and the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies’ new Democracy Collection and the many ways artists are championing democracy through the arts. With video footage on the efforts of art diplomacy for democracy and an interview with Mr. Frost, focusing on his practice and a discussion on design and art.

Amplifying All Voices
Art in Embassies discussion

An intimate panel discussion on the power of art as a mechanism of storytelling and conversation. The panelists explored the ways in which art can serve as a diplomatic representative or origins, connectivity, and commonality. Through a thoughtful and engaging conversation, it delved into the potential of art to bridge gaps and amplify voices.

Biennial Hall - Cultural Warehouse

Virtual Artwork Exhibition